Q1 2024 Updates

Review the noteworthy updates that occurred in Q1 2024


The LMS received a substantial update to the way reports are ran. 

Reporting has for major sections, shown in the header at the top of the page.

When selecting a report from the top dropdown, the majority of them will display a basic report. This report can be ran super quick and will display the pertinent fields related to that type of report. In the example below, the Learner Details report is used. This basic report view may vary on the type of report. 

Custom Reports

By selecting Advanced report, more in-depth fields pertaining to your organization can be selected in order to tailor the report to display the exact information needed.

Queuing reports

Depending on how many admins are running reports, and how much data may be in those reports, your report may be queued and will run in the background until it's finished. You will be notified by a green bar informing you of the report's status, and a white box allowing for a direct download, or, be routed to the Report Requests section under the Manage Reports dropdown at the top.

Tips and Tricks

  • It is highly recommended filtering down data by using the fields and a date range in order to get the best and quickest results.
  • Understanding which report to use can help in gathering the specific data you're looking for.

Additional Reporting Updates:

Find out more here about Reports.

OpenSesame Enhancements

  • Non-English translation-supported courses
  • IDP setting improvements
  • Course completion improvements

General Adjustments

  • Site Personalization
    • Improved sign-in page images
    • Smoother text field changes
    • Added image page tooltips
    • Improved image formatting
  • Updated Server Indexing feeds resulting in better lms stability and performance
  • Queue- and Task-related services
  • Improved Search box icon visibility
  • Scorm package management
  • Expanded Hire Date range
  • Registration Codes now case sensitive
    • Registration codes created with the same characters, but different cases as an additional code, will now give an error message to prevent identical codes from being created.