Review the noteworthy updates that occurred in Q4 2024
New Features & Updates
Scheduled Reporting
Schedule a report to have it sent automatically to your email.
Plan out reports ahead of time, improving efficiency.
Renewals by Group
Groups can be assigned a specific renewal date for a course
General Improvements
Added search bar and status toggle to the Question Bank.
HTML formatting now available for questions.
Question Bank Improvements
Addressed issues with activating/deactivating email templates.
Improved database stability for assessment questions.
Admin Tools
Admin Learner Bulk Send Email now sends to all selected recipients without errors.
Fixed error with Admin Password Reset.
Learner Homepage
Dates on the Learner Homepage now translate to the appropriately selected language.
Password Resets
Password reset notifications now send regardless of opting out of emails.
Course Status on reports now reflects the actual status of the course.
Fixed text wrapping issues for renewals on small screens or windows.
LinkedIn Learning courses can now be added without errors.
Renewal process adjusted to support group renewals.
Fixed date errors when setting required course email reminders.
System Performance & Future Plans
Mass content changes no longer affect site performance.
Performance updates improve course renewal efficiency.
Improved Learner email processing increases throughout LMS.
- Microsite names now display properly in email templates regardless of language
Improved transcript language display.
Invalid promotional codes now display a clear error message.
Adjusted fonts and spacing for a more uniform appearance.
Improved layout during bulk uploads and Vimeo uploads.
Support links now route appropriately.