QuickQuiz for Slack Commands

Your go-to guide for Slack shortcuts to start, edit, assign, more manage QuickQuiz.


Available to all tiers/levels

/quiz assign "Quiz Name": Manage assigned users and channels.

/quiz authors: Opens window for managing quiz authors.

/quiz cancel: Cancels a quiz that you are currently creating.

/quiz clear "Quiz Name": Allows all users who have completed a quiz to take it again.

/quiz create: Starts quiz creation prompt.

/quiz help: Lists all QuickQuiz commands.

/quiz list assigned: Gives a list of all quizzes that are assigned to you.

/quiz list created: Gives a list of all quizzes that you have created.

/quiz manage "Quiz Name": Manage passing percent, completion notifications, and due date.

/quiz results "Quiz Name": Gives scores of all users that have completed the provided quiz.

/quiz start: Starts the first quiz assigned to you.

/quiz start "Quiz Name": Starts a specified quiz if it's assigned to you.



Available to all Pro level/tier

All Basic Commands, plus:

/quiz delete "Quiz Name": Allows you to delete or un-assign yourself from a quiz.

/quiz results "Quiz Name" @username: Gives question-by-question results for a quiz and user.


For an updated list of commands, please refer to our website.