(L) How Do I Launch a Course?

  1. Browse to your company’s LMS
  2. In the navigation bar, select the Learning Paths icon
  3. On the Learning Paths page that appears, select the course you'd like to launch
  4. In this example, on the Course Details page that appears, note that the Launch button is unavailable because a prerequisite course needs to be completed before the selected course can be launched. Select the prerequisite course.
  5. The Course Details page displays the selected prerequisite course with an active Launch button. Select Launch to launch the course.
    Note: The course will launch in a new window.
  6. After you launch the course, the course status changes from Not Started to In Progress. You can also rate the course and post a course comment.
  7. After you successfully complete the course, the course status changes from In Progress to Completed. For courses with certificates, you can download the certificate to your computer.