1. Knowledge Anywhere Help Center
  2. Learning Management System (LMS) for Administrators
  3. Learning Path Development: Organizing Courses & Assigning Learning Paths

How do I use the Directed Learning feature to assign a course to an individual learner?

With the Directed Learning feature, administrators can assign one or more courses directly to an individual learner without having to assign the course to a learning path.


To assign a course or learning path to an individual learner, one learner at a time

  1. Open the Administrative Dashboard
  2. From the Learners tab, select Search Learners
  3. Search for a learner then click on the First Name or Last Name
  4. In Learner Details page, select ASSIGNMENTS tab
  5. If the course or learning path is not already on the list, click ASSIGN CONTENT to open up the content filter panel

  6. In the filter panel, optionally filter content by TYPE, or by content name
  7. Once the content is found, click APPLY

  8. The content now appears in the ASSIGNED CONTENT grid with the following attributes:
    Assignment Type = Directed Learning
    Required = true

  9. If you wish to unassign content from this learner, select the deselect icon to the right of the content

To assign a course or learning path to many learners at once