GDPR Removal Request (QuickQuiz)
So you want your data cleared and removed from our servers. At Knowledge Anywhere, we believe that everyone is entitled to know how their own data is tracked, stored and removed. The list below will help you know how to get you data removed.
- In an email to our support ( please write the following:
- Email Subject line: QuickQuiz GDPR data removal
- Email Body: Name, Email, and Slack ID (Slack ID will look like this "UMJXX(92XX")
- If you are a QuickQuiz end user and not the account holding admin, please reach out to your admin first to inform them of your GDPR removal request.
- Once we have received the okay from you or your admin, we will begin the process of data removal and will update you once it is complete.
This is a link to our Knowledge Anywhere GDPR removal request guide that encompasses steps for non QuickQuiz specific data removal requests.
If you have any questions regarding this process please reach out to our support team and there we will be happy to talk to you more about this.